Catching Up

Coming out of June with all of the photo a day challenges. Sadly I did not get to partake in those challenges. I so wish that I was able to partake in them. The back issue that I am having, I would not wish on any photographer. I want to be able to hold my camera again, I want to be able to shoot and make props again. My equipment is sitting here and getting super lonely, it may hit a depression state here soon. Lets hope I can suck it up and manage to use it for a quick product shoot here soon.

So during the month of June I started vaping pretty much full time. Every once in a while I will smoke a cigarette, there is something about that five minutes of pure chemicals that can be relaxing. Thankfully it is not often and it is amazing when I do not smoke, I just need to stop having those moments of weakness.

We got a new swimming pool in June as well, Mr. M is in total love with it. We are in the pool every day as long as it is not raining and storming. Some days we are in upwards to four hours. How amazing is that he is Autistic and learning to swim. It has been a long time coming. In two days of swimming he can swim under the water. It melts my heart that he can do that, I am so proud of him. So much I cannot express. The water feels amazing to me as well, I am weightless and my back is not hurting as much. Floating is totally amazing.

Everything is pretty much going amazing and home life is getting back to simplicity. We have been looking into homesteading and becoming self sufficient. We are slowly getting there. I can say that it is rather amazing. I wish that this year we would have been able to start our garden and using that to supplement a lot of our food, but next year that will happen. We already have eliminated a lot of paper waste by switching to family cloth, reusable menstrual pads and tampons. We have cloth napkins now as well. I have no idea what is next for us on moving to the self sustaining life.