Update On What is Going On With Me…..

So here lately I have not been able to really shoot. For a while now, I have been having some major back problems. The problems have been going on for about two years, just last year they started getting a lot worse. I went through tons of X-rays, and MRIs. I went through a couple of different doctors, physical therapists and then finally back specialists,and backs surgeons. They came to the conclusions that I have Degenerative Disc Disease also known as DDD. IT IS HELL!!!!!!! The interesting thing that has been said is that the discs will fix themselves. From everything that I haveĀ  read is that it will never go away, it will just get worse. Also apparently I am a little young to have these issues happening.

Now the different back doctors, they have said that surgery will just make it worse in the long run. I do not know how much worse can it be? Well those lovely doctors have me on a couple different medications in hopes of them working and that be that.

I am already ready for it to be over. I do not care how, but I am done.

Q & A With Missy Norman of Missy Norman Photography

Q. When you go in one of your travels, what all you take with you? Why?

Traveling, oh this is a good one. I have been dying to cover this question in a blog. When it comes to my bag, the things that are always in it would be my camera body, three lenses, two hoods, and two batteries. Depending on what I go to shoot would help me define the extras. Another thing that I do not leave with is my smartphone.

I have learned that in the winter to make sure I have gloves in my bag, in the summer a bottle of water and bug spray.

Q. Whose work has influenced you most?

People that have influenced me would be:

  1. Philippe Halsman
  2. Abeldro Morell
  3. Sue Bryce
  4. Steve Bronstein
  5. Meg Bittion

All of these photographers have strived for more and have achieved it, when it comes to their work it is so different from each other, but they have each mastered their craft. Different aspects of their work have influenced me in mine, down from ideas to post production.

Q. Among your works, which one is your favorite? Why?

I have learned that it is hard to choose a favorite image when it comes to my work. If I have them printed or shared or blogged, the images are my favorite. If I have to choose my absolute favorite comes down to a light painting with headphones and an iPod that I have done. In doing this image, I learned how to light paint, create art with light painting, and my undying passion for light painting. This work has opened a whole new world for me.

Q & A With Missy Norman Of Missy Norman Photography

Q. What are your career goals for Photography?

My goals are to have my own business, selling stock images, and have my work in a magazine. Since I am a commercial/advertisement photographer, I feel that my career goals are reasonable.

Q. What are top 3 knowledge/top 3 skills for Photographer position?A photographer must know virtually all skills when it comes to photography. The top skills that I would have to say would be the camera, the light, and post processing.

Q. What kind of tools do you use for post processing? Explain your work flow.

Post processing is on the top of the list when it comes to shooting, if not more. When it comes to post processing I mainly use Lightroom. Depending on the work I will go and work in Photoshop. My workflow:

  • Export images from memory card onto my external drive.
  • Import images from my external to Lightroom then keyword.
  • Cull through the images getting rid of the definite not, then another go through again.
  • After a couple rounds of getting rid of images, I pick to top images.
  • I then start editing the top images in Lightroom, if something needs more work than light room I take it to Photoshop.
  • Finally when all editing is done I take to Photoshop to watermark and resize the image for the internet.