
So far there has been no update on this whole back problem. I am doing physical therapy multiple times a week. I have an upcoming nerve induction, which I am not looking forward to. Hopefully we will find out what is going on with the nerves back there. All of this is rather frustrating, I really want to be able to shoot and not have insane pain or be laid up in bed the entire next day. Other than that there has been no new updates for my back and not being able to go out and shoot.

5 Steps


I recommend that anyone in photography keep this in mind. Sometimes it is easy to forget some of the simple things. Sometimes upcoming photogs need a little info. Sometimes we just need an awesome come back to the ill informed clients that think it is just the camera that makes the image. The image was found here. I give all credit to Shoot FLY Shoot.

Question Time

I am curious to know what are your must have prop items?

So far the must have items would include:

Different kinds of flashlights and toy strobe lights. I use them for light painting mainly, and sometimes when I need to see in the dark.

Foam poster board in multiple colors like black and white. I have some cut to make a base and back. I use some to block light.

Those are my main items.


So what are your must have items?



Even though this blog is in a different language the images are inspiring and I want to do some images like them. http://photorat.pblogs.gr/2012/01/levitation-photography-aiwroymenh-fwtografia.html

Levitation is something that is awe amazing when it comes to photographey. It is something that I have always wanted to do with my work. I think that it would be amazing to achieve for me.


Pinterest is an amazing site to get some information and inspiration from. It is a great think board as long as one keeps everything super organized. When I started out on Pinterest, I just threw things here and there and everywhere. It was super chaotic, I could not find anything. It took me literally a week to get everything set up and organized. I cannot believe that it took that long. With Pinterest I have found many info graphics that have become great glance over cheat sheets. I have found on Pinterest many and great ideas on diy props, backdrops, and creative photo shoot ideas. I would recommend this platform for any new and professional photographer. If you do not have a pinterest account I suggest making one. You will not regret it at all……. Unless you get sucked into its awesomeness and spend insane amounts of time on it, like I do.

You can check my Pinterest out here: https://www.pinterest.com/Missynphoto/

Catching Up

Coming out of June with all of the photo a day challenges. Sadly I did not get to partake in those challenges. I so wish that I was able to partake in them. The back issue that I am having, I would not wish on any photographer. I want to be able to hold my camera again, I want to be able to shoot and make props again. My equipment is sitting here and getting super lonely, it may hit a depression state here soon. Lets hope I can suck it up and manage to use it for a quick product shoot here soon.

So during the month of June I started vaping pretty much full time. Every once in a while I will smoke a cigarette, there is something about that five minutes of pure chemicals that can be relaxing. Thankfully it is not often and it is amazing when I do not smoke, I just need to stop having those moments of weakness.

We got a new swimming pool in June as well, Mr. M is in total love with it. We are in the pool every day as long as it is not raining and storming. Some days we are in upwards to four hours. How amazing is that he is Autistic and learning to swim. It has been a long time coming. In two days of swimming he can swim under the water. It melts my heart that he can do that, I am so proud of him. So much I cannot express. The water feels amazing to me as well, I am weightless and my back is not hurting as much. Floating is totally amazing.

Everything is pretty much going amazing and home life is getting back to simplicity. We have been looking into homesteading and becoming self sufficient. We are slowly getting there. I can say that it is rather amazing. I wish that this year we would have been able to start our garden and using that to supplement a lot of our food, but next year that will happen. We already have eliminated a lot of paper waste by switching to family cloth, reusable menstrual pads and tampons. We have cloth napkins now as well. I have no idea what is next for us on moving to the self sustaining life.

What is Goin On Now…

I hate to say this, but I am still under the weather. Currently the Dr. still has not cleared me to work. Actually one of the back Drs.
that I see has told me I can never work again. He also said that I should avoid surgery at all costs, if I do have surgery I would be
in a wheelchair by 55. How insane is that?!?!?! Any kind of movement kills my back, a little walk around the store and I am out the next

So what does that mean for my blog? It means I will be posting inspiration, little shoot challenges, and some awesome freebies that I find.
I hope to partake in those challenges myself. The challenges that I have been finding all over the place seem easy and a bit fun. I hope that
they will inspire some to get out and shoot something daily. Not being able to work and shoot is extremely depressing, but we have to still find
joy and attempt to shoot still even if it is a quick phone photo.

Also it appears that my blog mainly gets read on Monday, so I think that I will be switching up the posting. I have my posts set up for
Saturday, so I will be changing it to have my post come out on Sunday.